Sunday, June 12, 2011

Power of love!

"God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."  2 Timothy 1:7

I know there is no way to completely update you of all that has happened over the past four months, however, I would like to try over the coming few months to keep you updated better.  I have so much to tell you all, but I will not tell you all tonight.  My bedtime is drawing near and I only want to ask a simple request of you.  I want to thank you for all of your wonderful support and prayers while I serve here in Peru.  God has been so good to me, and sadly I seem to forget that at times.

I would like to ask for your help tomorrow.  I have a serious parent meeting tomorrow at 1:30pm.  I would like to ask for you to please pray for myself, the translator, the parents, and the child whom we are meeting about.  Please pray for wisdom, love, peace, and direction for all involved.  Please pray for all of us to show God's love through our words and our actions.  I know that God still does miracles in our lives, I am praying for one tomorrow.  Thank you for your help!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Thank you for your patience in dealing with this blog.  I am very sorry for all of the mess with it.  Please continue to be patient as I start from scratch with this.

Well, I am back in Lima.  I have been here for about three weeks and already exhausted!  :)  We have started work and children come in just over a week.  We have our parent orientation meeting on Monday, which is the cause of a little stress right now!  Of course, we do not feel to be ready, but we will be.  I am very excited to meet my new students.  I have really enjoyed meeting new friends and hanging out with old ones.  We are having much fun now before school starts.  Once school starts we will all be locked in our rooms trying to keep up with the work!

I have two more days of alone time.  This Saturday we will have a new girl arrive to do her student teaching.  Since there are only 9 bedrooms in the house and she is the tenth girl, she will be rooming with me.  Please pray that I will be a good friend to her as she adjusts to living here in Lima.  Please pray that she will enjoy her time here.

I will try very hard to be better about posting on here this year.  Please be patient!  Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support.  God has been so good to me!

John 15:5-"For without me, ye can do nothing."